Hello everybody and a bright and breezy welcome to you all!

Very many thanks for looking at thefuddler.com and if you click on the 2024 tab on the left hand side of your screen you will be able to read the latest edition of The Fuddler. Other tabs contain back copies as far as 2009!

To make things easier to find, the current month's crossword puzzle will always be available to download from the bottom of this page.

Just so you know, The Fuddler is a highly popular and light hearted publication which features lots of interesting stories, local events information and lots of useful local advertisements.

Greetings also to our very many new readers and all our overseas readers too! If you have a fascinating story to tell (but please keep it clean!), or maybe a recipe that you would like to share please send an email over to martin@thefuddler.com

Download the April 2024 crossword